Evidence Summary

Iron Deficiency and Iron Deficiency Anemia During Pregnancy: Screening and Supplementation

August 20, 2024

Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. They should not be construed as an official position of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

By Amy G. Cantor, MD, MPH; Rebecca Holmes, MD, MS; Christina Bougatsos, MPH; Chandler Atchison, MPH; Thomas DeLoughery, MD; Roger Chou, MD

The information in this article is intended to help clinicians, employers, policymakers, and others make informed decisions about the provision of health care services. This article is intended as a reference and not as a substitute for clinical judgment.

This article may be used, in whole or in part, as the basis for the development of clinical practice guidelines and other quality enhancement tools, or as a basis for reimbursement and coverage policies. AHRQ or U.S. Department of Health and Human Services endorsement of such derivative products may not be stated or implied.

This article was published online in JAMA on August 20, 2024 (JAMA. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.13546).

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Importance: In 2015, the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) found insufficient evidence to assess the balance of benefits and harms of routine screening and supplementation for iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy.

Objective: To update the 2015 review on screening for iron deficiency anemia, in addition to iron deficiency during pregnancy, to inform the USPSTF.

Data Sources: Ovid MEDLINE and Cochrane databases through May 24, 2023; surveillance through May 24, 2024.

Study Selection: Randomized clinical trials of iron supplementation, screening effectiveness, treatment, and harms; observational studies of screening.

Data Extraction and Synthesis: Dual review of abstracts, full-text articles, study quality, and data abstraction. Data were pooled using a random-effects model.

Main Outcomes and Measures: Maternal and infant clinical outcomes, hematologic indices, and harms.

Results: Seventeen trials (N = 24,023) on maternal iron supplementation were included. Iron supplementation was associated with decreased risk of maternal iron deficiency anemia at term (4 trials, n = 2230; 8.6% vs 19.8%; relative risk, 0.40 [95% CI, 0.26-0.61]; I2 = 20.5%) and maternal iron deficiency at term (6 trials, n = 2361; 46% vs 70%; relative risk, 0.47 [95% CI, 0.33-0.67]; I2 = 81.9%) compared with placebo or no iron supplement. There were no statistically significant differences in maternal quality of life, rates of gestational diabetes, maternal hemorrhage, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, cesarean delivery, preterm birth, infant low birth weight, or infants small for gestational age for maternal iron supplementation compared with placebo or no supplementation. Harms of iron supplementation included transient gastrointestinal adverse effects. No studies evaluated the benefits or harms of screening for iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy. Data on the association between iron status and health outcomes, such as hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and preterm birth, were very limited.

Conclusions and Relevance: Routine prenatal iron supplementation reduces the incidence of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy, but evidence on health outcomes is limited or indicates no benefit. No studies addressed screening for iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy. Research is needed to understand the association between changes in maternal iron status measures and health outcomes.

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Iron deficiency is the most common pathologic cause of anemia during pregnancy, due in part to higher maternal iron needs and physiologic changes during pregnancy.1-3 In the US, the overall prevalence of iron deficiency in pregnancy is nearly 18%, with a 5% prevalence of iron deficiency anemia,3 although these may be underestimates due to changing diagnostic cutoffs.4,5 Disparities in prevalence of iron deficiency anemia and iron deficiency have been reported, with higher prevalence among non-Hispanic Black and Mexican American individuals3 and those at lower income levels.6

Given the high prevalence, screening for iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia may lead to earlier identification and treatment and routine supplementation could treat underlying iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia, potentially preventing negative health outcomes. However, evidence on the relationship between iron status and perinatal health outcomes is limited. Although older observational data report associations between various measures of iron status and negative perinatal outcomes in women and infants,7-10 rigorous trial evidence has been inconsistent.11-13

In 2015, the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) concluded that the evidence was insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of screening for iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women (I statement).14 There was also inadequate evidence on treatment of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy owing to lack of generalizability to US clinical settings in treatment studies, due to differential nutritional status or hemoparasite burden.15 The USPSTF also concluded that the evidence was insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of routine iron supplementation for pregnant women (I statement). This systematic review was conducted to update the 2015 review on this topic11,16 and inform an updated USPSTF recommendation, with an expanded scope to evaluate the effect of iron supplementation and screening on iron deficiency without anemia.

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Scope of the Review

Detailed methods and evidence tables with additional study details are available in the full evidence report.17 Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the analytic frameworks and key questions that guided the review. This review was based on 2 separate analytic frameworks on the effectiveness of routine preventive iron supplementation during pregnancy and the effectiveness of screening for iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy.

Data Sources and Searches

Searches included Ovid MEDLINE, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials from June 1, 2014, to May 24, 2023 (for iron deficiency anemia) and from database inception to May 3, 2024 (for iron deficiency without anemia). For iron deficiency anemia, studies from the prior USPSTF review were included. Reference lists of relevant articles supplemented the searches. Surveillance was last conducted on May 24, 2024, and identified no studies eligible for inclusion.

Study Selection

Two investigators independently reviewed English-language titles, abstracts, and full-text articles for inclusion using predefined criteria (eMethods 1 in the JAMA Supplement).

The population included pregnant adolescents and adults asymptomatic for iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia. For supplementation, the population was those without known iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia at study entry. For screening, the treated population was those found to have screen-detected iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia. Studies of nonpregnant individuals and those with known nutritional deficiencies or symptoms of iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia were excluded. Nongendered terms (eg, person, individual) were used to increase inclusivity except where the data were specified as women or females, and the term “pregnant person” was used to characterize the study population that included pregnant women and other individuals capable of pregnancy.

For supplementation, interventions were oral iron supplementation or iron-fortified foods compared with placebo or no supplementation. Mean baseline gestational age at enrollment was used to estimate timing of dose initiation. Due to the availability of good- and fair-quality randomized clinical trials (RCTs) of supplementation, observational studies were only included for the association questions. Eligible maternal outcomes were health outcomes (eg, mortality, quality of life, preeclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, postpartum depression, and cesarean delivery rates) and hematologic outcomes (eg, incidence of iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia, hematologic indices). Infant outcomes were health outcomes (eg, perinatal mortality, respiratory distress, neonatal intensive care unit admission, low birth weight, small for gestational age, and preterm delivery) and hematologic outcomes. Adverse effects included clinical harms, harms leading to discontinuation, and accidental overdose. Timing of maternal outcomes was classified as during pregnancy, at term, and postpartum; infant outcomes were limited to the first year of life.

A question on the association between a change in maternal iron status and changes in health outcomes was included in both the screening (key question [KQ] 5) and supplementation (KQ3) frameworks. To be eligible for inclusion, studies had to examine the association between a change in maternal iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia resulting from treatment or supplementation and improved health outcomes.

For the screening framework, studies compared screening with no screening or treatment with no treatment for screen-detected iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia. Eligible interventions were routine blood tests (eg, complete blood cell count) and supplementation with oral or intravenous iron or iron-fortified foods. Eligible study designs included RCTs or controlled observational studies as well as large uncontrolled observational studies on harms. Supplementation outcomes also applied to the screening framework, with additional screening for specific harms such as overdiagnosis, anxiety, and labeling.

Inclusion was restricted to studies conducted in primary care or prenatal settings and in countries categorized in 2020 as high or very high on the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI)19 to enhance applicability to US primary care/prenatal settings. Trial from China were included for this update because of reclassification from a medium to a high HDI rating in 2011/2012.20,21

Data Extraction and Quality Rating

A single investigator abstracted details from each study including study design, patient population, setting, interventions, analysis, follow- up, and results. A second investigator reviewed data for accuracy. Two independent investigators assessed the quality of each study as good, fair, or poor using predefined criteria developed by the USPSTF (eMethods 2 in the JAMA Supplement).18 In accordance with the USPSTF Procedure Manual,18 poor quality studies were excluded.

Data Synthesis

Meta-analyses using the DerSimonian-Laird random-effects model (STATA version 14.2 [StataCorp]) were conducted for outcomes and comparisons for which there were multiple studies comparable enough to provide a meaningful combined estimate.22 Stratified analyses were conducted to assess the potential variation across studies by country HDI rating (defined as very high HDI vs high HDI) and supplementation dosing based on elemental iron dose (defined as high if ≥60 mg and low if <60 mg). Hematologic values were pooled separately at term and third trimester time points; postpartum time points were not pooled due to variable and less frequent reporting. For intermediate outcomes, data were pooled for risk of iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia, which were considered more informative than changes in individual hematologic indices such as ferritin or hemoglobin level.

Two independent reviewers assessed the aggregate internal validity (quality) for each KQ using methods developed by the USPSTF18 based on the number, quality, and size of studies; consistency of results between studies; and directness of evidence.18 Disagreements were resolved through consensus.

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Across all KQs, 18 studies (reported in 28 publications23-50) of maternal iron supplementation (17 RCTs [N = 24,023] and 1 observational study27 [N = 20,690]) were included (Figure 3). The observational study evaluated the association between improvement in iron indices and health outcomes and was relevant for both analytic frameworks. No other study addressed KQs on screening for iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia. Twelve RCTs23,24,26,28,29,34,36,37,41,43,48,49 addressing iron supplementation were carried forward from the prior USPSTF report.11 Five RCTs30,32,40,45,46 and the observational study27 were added for this update.

Benefits of Supplementation

Key Question 1. What are the benefits of routine iron supplementation during pregnancy on maternal and infant health outcomes?

Sixteen trials (in 26 publications) compared the effects of routine preventive iron supplementation vs no supplementation during pregnancy. Twelve trials (in 14 publications)23,24,26,28,29,34,36-38,41,43,47-49 were carried forward from the prior review.11 Four additional trials25,31-33,35,40,42,44-46 and 2 new secondary publications39,50 of older trials34,37 were identified for this update. Three studies were conducted in the US,26,36,43 3 in rural China,32,45,46 and 4 in Iran;29,40,48,49 the others were conducted in Hong Kong,24 Australia,34 or Europe.23,28,37,41

Sample sizes ranged from 52 to 12,513 participants (total n = 23,844). Four studies had more than 1000 participants; 3 were added for this update, had the largest sample sizes, and were conducted in rural China (n = 12,513,32 3929,45 and 237146). Most studies included pregnant individuals at a average risk for anemia and excluded those with baseline hemoglobin level below 8 g/dL to 11 g/dL, preexisting anemia, or related chronic conditions.23,24,26,28,32,34,36,40,43,46,48,49 Mean baseline hemoglobin levels ranged from 11.9 g/dL to 14.3 g/dL. Seven studies reported providing treatment if hematologic indices dropped too low in the supplementation group during the course of the study.24,28,34,36,40,48,49 Studies enrolled participants aged 20 to 30 years; 2 studies also included adolescents.36,43 In 1 US study, 58% to 65% of participants were Black;43 in another US study, 16% to 17% of participants were Hispanic, 24% to 25% non-Hispanic Black, and 56% to 57% non-Hispanic White.43 Both of these studies restricted enrollment to individuals eligible for or participating in Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children services. Race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status were not reported in the third US-based study, which was set in private group practice in Wisconsin.36 No study stratified results according to population characteristics.

In all studies, supplementation was initiated at the first prenatal visit (up to 20 weeks’ gestation) and continued through delivery; mean gestational age at enrollment ranged from 11 to 16 weeks in studies that reported this information. In 2 US studies, all participants in the placebo group received supplementation at 26 to 29 weeks’ gestation.26,43 Outcomes were measured during the third trimester, at delivery, or included follow-up into the postpartum period (1 day to 6 months postpartum); 1 study included health-related quality of life follow-up to 4 years.50 Supplement dosing ranged from 20 to 200 mg of elemental iron daily. Intervention groups in most studies received 30 to 60 mg of elemental iron daily; 1 study used 20 mg,34 and 2 smaller studies used higher doses of 120 mg23 or 200 mg.41 Nonadherence, usually based on pill counts, ranged from 4.5% to 68%.24,26,28,32,34,36,41,43,45,46

Four studies were rated good quality32,34,48,49 and 12 studies were rated fair quality23,24,26,28,29,36,37,40,41,43,45,46 due to unclear randomization and allocation concealment methods; unclear masking of outcome assessors; high or unclear attrition or differential attrition; and inadequate randomization methods.

Table 1 reports the results of meta-analyses, including analyses stratified by country and dose; forest plots for the primary meta-analyses are provided in eFigures 1-8 in the JAMA Supplement.

Maternal Clinical Outcomes

Routine iron supplementation was not associated with reduced risk of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (eg, pregnancy-induced hypertension,29,32,40 hypertensive disorder, or not defined23,49) compared with placebo, although the estimate was imprecise (5 trials; n = 13,610; 4.7% vs 3.1% [all studies pooled, weighted rates]; relative risk [RR], 1.24 [95% CI, 0.75-2.06]; I2 = 48%) (eFigure 1 in the JAMA Supplement).23,29,32,40,49 One trial found that supplementation was not associated with reduced risk of preeclampsia vs placebo but also had an imprecise estimate (3.9% vs 2.7%; RR, 1.45 [95% CI, 0.67-3.16]). Routine iron supplementation and placebo were associated with similar risk of cesarean delivery vs placebo (8 studies; n = 4919; 42.8% vs 41.5%; RR, 1.01 [95% CI, 0.90-1.14]; I2 = 42.7%) (eFigure 2 in the JAMA Supplement).23,24,34,36,40,46,48,49 Clinical indications for cesarean delivery were not reported in any study. Findings were similar when analyses were stratified by country HDI category and dose.

One trial (n = 430) found no statistically significant differences between routine iron supplementation during pregnancy vs placebo or no supplement on quality of life based on the 36-Item Short Form Health Survey at 36 weeks’ gestation or at 6 weeks, 6 months, or 4 years postpartum.34,50 There were also no statistically significant differences in risk of gestational diabetes (2 trials;24,40 n = 2124) or risk of maternal hemorrhage (2 trials;23,48 n = 341), although rates of hemorrhage were low (eTable 1 in the JAMA Supplement).

Maternal Hematologic Outcomes

Sixteen trials (n = 23,844) reported maternal incidence of iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia (Table 1; eTable 2 [third trimester], eTable 3 [term], and eTable 4 [postpartum] in the JAMA Supplement).23-26,28,29,31-49 Routine iron supplementation during pregnancy was associated with a statistically significant decreased risk of maternal iron deficiency anemia at term (4 trials; n = 2230; 8.6% vs 19.8%; RR, 0.40 [95% CI, 0.26-0.61]; I2 = 20.5%; absolute risk difference [ARD], −9.59% [95% CI, −16.2% to −2.98%]) (eFigure 3 in the JAMA Supplement); maternal iron deficiency at term (6 trials; n = 2361; 46% vs 70%; RR, 0.47 [95% CI, 0.33-0.67]; I2 = 81.9%; ARD, −34.25% [95% CI, −46.49% to −22.01%]) (eFigure 4 in the JAMA Supplement); and anemia at term (4 trials; n = 2261; 10.9% vs 22.5%; RR, 0.43 [95% CI, 0.26-0.72]; I2 = 43.7%; ARD, −11.73% [95% CI, −14.87% to −8.60%]) (eFigure 5 in the JAMA Supplement) compared with placebo or no supplementation. Findings were similar for third trimester outcomes. For iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia, stratified analysis by country HDI category and dose resulted in similar findings.

Infant Clinical Outcomes

Eleven trials (n = 20,435; 3 good quality32,34,49 and 8 fair quality23,24,29,36,38,40,41,45) reported infant birth outcomes including infant mortality, preterm delivery, small size for gestational age, and low birth weight (eTable 5 in the JAMA Supplement; summary of meta-analyses in Table 1).

Comparing maternal iron supplementation with placebo, there were no statistically significant differences in risk of preterm birth (5 trials;24,29,32,40,45 n = 16,827; 5.5% vs 6.0%; RR, 0.92 [95% CI, 0.81-1.04]; I2 = 0.0%) (eFigure 6 in the JAMA Supplement); infants small for gestational age (4 trials;24,40,45,49 n = 5386; 15.3% vs 15.2%; RR, 0.94 [95% CI, 0.67-1.31]; I2 = 75.5%) (eFigure 7 in the JAMA Supplement); or infants with low birth weight (6 trials;23,29,32,34,36,45 n = 15,591; 2.7% vs 2.9%; RR, 0.95 [95% CI, 0.79-1.14]; I2 = 0.0%) (eFigure 8 in the JAMA Supplement), although some imprecision in estimates was present. There was no statistically significant interaction between country HDI category or iron dose and effects of supplementation on infant outcomes (Table 1). There was statistical heterogeneity in the pooled estimate for small for gestational age. One small trial from Hong Kong found iron supplementation (60 mg) vs placebo associated with decreased risk of infant small for gestational age (3.6% vs −7.5%; RR, 0.48 [95% CI, 0.26-0.87]),24 the 3 other trials from high HDI countries showed no statistically significant differences or favored placebo.40,45,49 Infant mortality rates were not a prespecified outcome in any study, and event rates were low (<1% to 2%).

Infant Hematologic Outcomes

Two trials (n = 12,943) found no statistically significant differences between routine iron supplementation during pregnancy vs placebo in infant hematologic indices at 6 months or 1 year follow-up.32,34

Harms of Supplementation

Key Question 2. What are the harms of routine iron supplementation during pregnancy?

Eleven trials (n = 22,536)24,26,28,32,34,36,40,41,43,45,46 included for KQ1 and 1 additional trial30 addressed supplementation harms (eTable 6 in the JAMA Supplement). No trial reported any serious adverse events from iron supplementation, and infant harms were not reported in any study. One large (n = 12,513) trial conducted in rural China found elemental iron supplementation (30 mg) beginning in the second trimester associated with increased risk of gastrointestinal symptoms vs placebo (3.6% vs 2.3%; RR, 1.59 [95% CI, 1.28-1.97]).32 In contrast, no statistically significant differences in rates of gastrointestinal adverse effects (variably defined) between supplementation and placebo groups were reported in 5 other studies (n = 7053).30,34,36,45,46

Nonadherence, a potential marker of intolerability, was similar between supplementation vs placebo in 10 trials (n = 21,397).24,26,28,32,34,36,41,43,45,46

Change in Maternal Iron Status and Improvement in Newborn and Peripartum Outcomes

Key Question 3. In pregnant persons with iron deficiency, with or without anemia, what is the association between change in maternal iron status (including changes in ferritin or hemoglobin level) and improvement in newborn and peripartum outcomes in US relevant populations?

One fair-quality, US-based observational study (n = 20,690) added for this update compared the association between response to iron supplementation in pregnant persons with iron deficiency (with or without anemia) and risk of preeclampsia or preterm delivery.27 Patients in a perinatal database were classified as anemic (n = 7416) or nonanemic (reference group; n = 13,274), with anemic patients further categorized by treatment group (treated or untreated anemic, n = 3402) and, among those treated, response to treatment (refractory anemic, n = 1319; or successfully treated, n = 2695). Dosing, timing, and duration of treatment or iron supplementation was not reported. Most participants identified as Black race (9%-24%) or Hispanic ethnicity (43%-63%). Methodologic limitations included unclear documentation of iron deficiency or use of supplementation and unclear classification and reporting of symptoms.

Successful response to treatment was defined as presenting to labor and delivery with normal hemoglobin level and reporting having taken iron supplementation; this was associated with reduced risk of preterm birth (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 0.59 [95% CI, 0.47- 0.72]) and preeclampsia (adjusted OR, 0.75 [95% CI, 0.6-0.91]) vs no anemia. Refractory or untreated anemia was associated with increased risk of preterm birth and preeclampsia (adjusted OR, 1.44 [95% CI, 1.16-1.76] and adjusted OR, 1.45 [95% CI, 1.26-1.67], respectively) vs no anemia. There were no differences between groups in composite neonatal morbidity.

Screening for Iron Deficiency and Iron Deficiency Anemia During Pregnancy

No studies addressed key questions on the effectiveness of screening on any maternal or infant health outcomes, including benefits or harms. Evidence on the association between change in maternal iron status and improvement in outcomes (KQ3) is addressed in the JAMA Supplement.

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The findings of this evidence report are summarized in Table 2 and Table 3. Despite the inclusion of data from 5 additional RCTs of supplementation,30,32,40,45,46 conclusions were consistent with findings from the previous USPSTF review.11 Specifically, iron supplementation decreases the risk of iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy and at delivery, without evidence of improvement in maternal or infant clinical outcomes. As in the prior USPSTF review, no studies evaluated the benefits or harms of screening. Expanding the scope to assess the impact of iron supplementation or screening on iron deficiency alone or inclusion of trials from high HDI index countries (including rural China) did not affect the results.

There were no clear effects of prenatal iron supplementation on maternal clinical outcomes including hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, gestational diabetes, or cesarean delivery, but estimates were imprecise. Results were somewhat inconsistent for cesarean delivery, with 1 fair-quality, large trial24 finding supplementation associated with reduced risk of cesarean delivery but 8 trials of varying sizes and similar dosing regimens finding no difference. However, effects on cesarean delivery are difficult to interpret due to lack of information on indications (eg, elective or urgent) and the lack of a clear mechanism by which iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia would affect cesarean delivery. Some observational studies51-53 not eligible for this review suggest that iron supplementation may increase the risk of gestational diabetes, but results are susceptible to residual confounding. Data on harms were limited, but no serious harms were reported.

Regarding infant health outcomes, iron supplementation was not associated with decreased rates of preterm delivery, low birth weight infants, or infants small for gestational age. Findings regarding infant outcomes were limited by relatively small numbers of trials (eg, 6 trials reporting preterm delivery, 3 trials reporting small for gestational age, and 6 trials for low birth weight) and imprecision. In addition, there was unexplained statistical heterogeneity in the pooled estimate for small for gestational age. There was insufficient evidence to assess the effect of prenatal iron supplementation on infant mortality due to low event rates.

As in the prior USPSTF review, maternal iron supplementation, compared with placebo or no supplements, was associated with improved hematologic indices or incidence of iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia, but the clinical significance of these findings remains unclear. No study evaluated outcomes of screening vs no screening for iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia in pregnant adults or adolescents. One study of supplementation added to this review provided insufficient evidence to evaluate the association between a change in maternal iron status and clinical outcomes, due to serious methodological limitations.27

Studies included in this review focused on pregnant adults and adolescents at average risk for anemia and excluded those with very low hematologic indices at baseline or preexisting anemia or related chronic conditions. Therefore, results of this review may not apply to settings in which pregnant individuals have lower baseline hematologic indices or higher incidence of severe anemia. No study evaluated how outcomes of supplementation varied by population, including those defined by race or ethnicity. Observational studies suggest potential disparities in the incidence of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia by socioeconomic status and race or ethnicity, but data are difficult to interpret due to variation in practice guidelines and variability in diagnostic cutoffs by race or ethnicity and may be affected by access to health care services.


This review had several limitations. First, non–English-language articles were excluded, which could result in language bias, although no non–English-language studies that would have met inclusion criteria were identified. Second, publication bias was not formally assessed with graphical or statistical methods54 because of small numbers of studies and differences in study design, populations, and outcomes assessed. Third, some trials eligible for inclusion because of country categorization as high on the HDI (eg, Hong Kong, rural China, Iran) may have limited generalizability to the US due to differences in nutritional status, diet, resources, infrastructure, or other factors.19,55,56 However, stratified analyses did not indicate subgroup differences based on HDI category (high vs very high). Fourth, due to anticipated statistical heterogeneity with regard to populations, setting, rates of iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia, supplementation dose and timing, and other factors, the DerSimonian and Laird random-effects model was used to pool studies, which may result in overly narrow confidence intervals when heterogeneity is present, particularly when the number of studies is small.22 To evaluate statistical heterogeneity, subgroup analysis was performed to assess the sensitivity of results to variations across study characteristics, including country HDI rating and low and high supplementation dosing based on elemental iron doses. Results did not indicate statistically significant subgroup effects based on these characteristics. However, the utility of stratified analyses was limited by relatively small numbers of trials.

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Routine prenatal iron supplementation reduces the incidence of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy, but evidence on health outcomes is limited or indicates no benefit. No studies addressed screening for iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy. Research is needed to understand the association between changes in maternal iron status measures and health outcomes.

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Source: This article was published online in JAMA on August 20, 2024 (JAMA. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.13546).

Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr DeLoughery reported serving as an editor for UpToDate. No other disclosures were reported.

Funding/Support: This research was funded under contract 75Q80120D00006, Task Order 75Q80121F32009, from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), US Department of Health and Human Services, under a contract to support the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF).

Role of the Funder/Sponsor: Investigators worked with USPSTF members and AHRQ staff to develop the scope, analytic framework, and key questions for this review. AHRQ had no role in study selection, quality assessment, or synthesis. AHRQ staff provided project oversight, reviewed the report to ensure that the analysis met methodological standards, and distributed the draft for peer review. Otherwise, AHRQ had no role in the conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; and preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript findings. The opinions expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not reflect the official position of AHRQ or the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Additional Contributions: We gratefully acknowledge the AHRQ Medical Officer (Sheena Harris, MD, MPH) and the USPSTF. The USPSTF members, expert consultants, peer reviewers, and federal partner reviewers did not receive financial compensation for their contributions.

Additional Information: A draft version of this evidence report underwent external peer review from 4 content experts (Jeanne Conry, MD, PhD [International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics and the Environmental Health Leadership Foundation]; Anjali Kaimal, MD, MAS [Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital]; Robert Means, MD [East Tennessee State University]; Kimberly O’Brien, PhD [Cornell University]) and 3 federal partner reviewers from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities and the Office of Research on Women’s Health. Comments from reviewers were presented to the USPSTF during its deliberation of the evidence and were considered in preparing the final evidence review.

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The analytic framework depicts the relationship between the population, intervention, outcomes, and harms of supplementation for the prevention of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy. The far left of the framework describes the target population as pregnant persons asymptomatic for iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia. To the right of the population is an arrow which leads to the intervention, routine iron supplementation. Below routine iron supplementation is an oval for harms of screening (Key Question 2). An arrow leads directly from the intervention to a box containing the health outcomes of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality, including birth outcomes, and quality of life (Key Question 1). An arrow to the right of the intervention leads to a rounded edge box containing the intermediate outcome of iron status. A dotted line to the right of iron status represents the connection between iron status and the health outcomes of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality, including birth outcomes, and quality of life (Key Question 3).

Evidence reviews for the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) use an analytic framework to visually display the key questions (KQs) that the review will address to allow the USPSTF to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of a preventive service. The questions are depicted by linkages that relate interventions and outcomes. A dashed line depicts a health outcome that follows an intermediate outcome. For additional information, see the USPSTF Procedure Manual.18

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The analytic framework depicts the populations, interventions, outcomes, and harms of interest for screening for iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia in pregnant persons. The far left of the framework describes the target population as pregnant persons asymptomatic for iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia. To the right is screening. An arrow leads directly from screening to a box containing the health outcomes of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality, including birth outcomes, and quality of life (Key Question 1). Below screening is an oval for harms of screening (Key Question 2). To the right of screening is a box for iron deficiency. An arrow to the right of iron deficiency represents the intervention, iron treatment, and leads to the intermediate outcome of iron status (Key Question 3). Below the intervention is an oval for harms of iron treatment (Key Question 4). A dotted line to the right of iron status represents the connection between iron status and the health outcomes of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality, including birth outcomes, and quality of life (Key Question 5).

Evidence reviews for the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) use an analytic framework to visually display the key questions (KQs) that the review will address to allow the USPSTF to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of a preventive service. The questions are depicted by linkages that relate interventions and outcomes. A dashed line depicts a health outcome that follows an intermediate outcome. For additional information, see the USPSTF Procedure Manual.18

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Across all KQs, 18 studies (reported in 28 publications) of maternal iron supplementation (17 RCTs  [N = 24023] and 1 observational study [N = 20690]) were included.

a The sum of the number of studies per key question (KQ) exceeds the total number of studies because some studies were applicable to multiple KQs.
b KQ3 in the routine iron supplementation framework and KQ5 in the screening for iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia framework are the same KQ and therefore cover the same evidence.

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Outcome Subgroup Subgroup definition No. of trials
(No. of
RR (95% CI) and ARD if significant I2, %
Maternal clinical outcomes
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy All trials NA 5 (13,610) 1.24 (0.75-2.06) 48.0
Country (P = .64 for interaction) Ireland (very high HDI) 1 (97) 0.83 (0.22-3.13) NA
Rural China, Iran (medium to high HDI) 4 (13,513) 1.38 (0.74-2.56) 60.9
Iron dose (P = .64 for interaction) Low (<60 mg) 3 (13,365) 1.35 (0.70-2.61) 71.6
High (≥60 mg) 2 (245) 1.02 (0.30-3.47) 0.0
Cesarean delivery All trials NA 8 (4919) 1.01 (0.90-1.14) 42.7
Country (P = .03 for interaction) US or other applicable countries (very high HDI) 4 (1562) 0.85 (0.66-1.11) 23.8
Rural China, Iran (medium to high HDI) 4 (3357) 1.07 (1.01-1.14) 0.0
Iron dose (P = .64 for interaction) Low (<60 mg) 4 (2173) 1.11 (0.99-1.25) 0.0
High (≥60 mg) 4 (2746) 0.89 (0.67-1.20) 67.6
Maternal hematologic outcomes
Iron deficiency anemia, third trimester All trials NA 3 (660) 0.63 (0.41-0.97)a
ARD, −4% (−8% to 0.02%)a
Iron deficiency
anemia, at term
All trials NA 4 (2230) 0.40 (0.26-0.61)a
ARD, −10% (−16% to −3%)a
Country (P = .36 for interaction) US or other applicable countries (very high HDI) 3 (614) 0.29 (0.15-0.55)a
ARD, −12% (−19% to −6%)a
Rural China (medium to high HDI) 1 (1616) 0.49 (0.38-0.62)a
ARD, −5% (−16% to 5%)a
Iron dose (P = .37 for
Low (<60 mg) 1 (383) 0.28 (0.12-0.68)a
ARD, −8% (−13% to −3%)a
High (≥60 mg) 3 (1847) 0.42 (0.24-0.71)a
ARD, −11% (−19% to −2%)a
Iron deficiency, third trimester All trials NA 4 (1220) 0.70 (0.53-0.92)a
ARD, −17% (−24% to −10%)a
Iron deficiency, at term All trials NA 6 (2361) 0.47 (0.33-0.67)a
ARD, −34% (−46% to −22%)a
Country (P = .60 for interaction) US or other applicable countries (very high HDI) 4 (596) 0.35 (0.18-0.65)a
ARD, −44% (−63% to −25%)a
Rural China (medium to high HDI) 2 (1765) 0.57 (0.29-1.13) 69.5
Iron dose (P = .58 for interaction) Low (<60 mg) 2 (431) 0.57 (0.46-0.69)a
ARD, −32% (−52% to −11%)a
High (≥60 mg) 4 (1930) 0.26 (0.09-0.77)a
ARD, −36% (−54% to −18%)a
Anemia, third trimester All trials NA 7 (2148) 0.71 (0.51-0.97)a
ARD, −8% (−15% to −0.66%)a
Anemia, at term All trials NA 4 (2261) 0.43 (0.26-0.72)a
ARD, −12% (−15% to −9%)a
Country (P = .61 for interaction) US or other applicable countries (very high HDI) 3 (645) 0.22 (0.06-0.84)a
ARD, −12% (−19% to −6%)a
Rural China (medium to high HDI) 1 (1616) 0.53 (0.43-0.66)a
ARD, −12% (−15% to −8%)a
Iron dose (P = .95 for interaction) Low (<60 mg) 1 (393) 0.45 (0.25-0.82)a
ARD, −9% (−15% to −2%)a
High (≥60 mg) 3 (1868) 0.22 (0.05-1.02) 61.1
Infant clinical outcomes
Preterm birth All trials NA 5 (16,827) 0.92 (0.81-1.04) 0.0
Country (P = .88 for interaction Hong Kong (very high HDI) 1 (862) 0.95 (0.58-1.57) NA
Rural China, Iran (medium to high HDI) 4 (15,965) 0.92 (0.81-1.04) 0.0
Iron dose (P = .41 for interaction) Low (<60 mg) 2 (12,614) 0.95 (0.83-1.10) 0.0
High (≥60 mg) 3 (4213) 0.83 (0.65-1.06) 0.0
Low birth weight All trials NA 6 (15,591) 0.95 (0.79-1.14) 0.0
Country (P = .83 for interaction) US or other applicable countries (very high HDI) 3 (601) 1.02 (0.54-1.94) 0.0
Rural China, Iran (medium to high HDI) 3 (14,990) 0.95 (0.78-1.15) 0.0
Iron dose (P = .26 for interaction) Low (<60 mg) 2 (12,257) 1.05 (0.83-1.33) 0.0
High (≥60 mg) 4 (3334) 0.82 (0.61-1.10) 0.0
Small for gestational age All trials NA 4 (5386) 0.94 (0.67-1.31) 75.5
Country (P = .21 for interaction) US or other applicable countries (very high HDI) 1 (862) 0.48 (0.26-0.87)a
ARD, −3.9% (−6.9% to −0.8%)a
Rural China, Iran (medium to high HDI) 3 (4524) 1.07 (0.80-1.41) 66.6
Iron dose (P = .53 for interaction) Low (<60 mg) 2 (1509) 1.10 (0.59-2.05) 83.3
High (≥60 mg) 2 (3877) 0.75 (0.35-1.59) 83.7

Abbreviations: ARD, absolute risk difference; HDI, Human Development Index; NA, not applicable; RR, relative risk.
a Statistically significant.

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Outcome No. of studies
(No. of participants)
Summary of findings by outcome Consistency/precision,
reporting bias
Body of evidence
Overall quality Strength of evidence Applicability
KQ1: Benefits of supplementation
Maternal: quality of life 1 RCT (n = 430) No statistically significant differences in quality of life for iron supplementation vs placebo in 1 trial at 36 wk of gestation, and at 6 wk, 6 mo, or 4 y postpartum Unable to assess consistency (1 trial)


No reporting bias detected

Consistent Fair Insufficient One trial conducted in Australia

Applicability limited due to insufficient evidence

Maternal: hypertensive disorders of pregnancy 5 RCTs (n = 14,468) No statistically significant difference for iron supplementation vs placebo or no iron (5 trials; RR, 1.24 [95% CI, 0.75-2.06]; I2 = 48%)

No statistically significant interaction in stratified analyses by country HDI category or supplement dose



Some reporting bias detected

Poorly defined outcome definition: 3 studies reported pregnancy-induced hypertension, 1 study reported preeclampsia and PIH, 2 studies reported the category of hypertensive diseases of pregnancy Fair Low for no effect of iron supplementation on hypertensive disorders of pregnancy

Studies conducted in Ireland, Iran (3), rural China

Stratified analysis by country HDI category or supplement dose did not affect results

Maternal: gestational diabetes 2 RCTs (n = 2214) Two studies reported no statistically significant differences in rates of gestational diabetes for iron supplementation vs placebo Consistent


No reporting bias detected

Diagnostic criteria defined in 1 of 2 studies Fair Insufficient Studies conducted in Hong Kong and Iran; unclear diagnostic criteria
Maternal: cesarean delivery 8 RCTs (n = 6160) No statistically significant difference for iron supplementation vs placebo or no iron (8 trials; RR, 1.01 [95% CI, 0.90-1.14]; I2 = 42.7%)

In 1 trial (n = 1164): Reduced risk of cesarean delivery for 60 mg elemental iron daily vs placebo (25.2% vs 33.1%; OR, 0.58 [95% CI, 0.37-0.89])

No statistically significant interaction in stratified analyses by country HDI category or supplement dose


Some imprecision

No reporting bias detected

Cesarean delivery may occur for a variety of indications, including elective reasons Fair Low for no effect on cesarean delivery Studies conducted in Ireland, Hong Kong, Australia, US, Iran (3), rural China

Cesarean delivery rates were unusually high in 2 studies

Stratified analysis by country HDI category or supplement dose did not affect results

Maternal: hemorrhage 2 RCTs (n = 341) Two studies report no statistically significant difference in rates of maternal hemorrhage Consistent


No reporting bias detected

Low event rates in both studies Fair Insufficient for maternal hemorrhage Studies conducted in Ireland and Iran
Maternal: iron deficiency anemia 7 RCTs (n = 4045) Iron supplementation associated with statistically significant reduced risk of iron deficiency anemia vs placebo or no iron:
   Third trimester: 3 trials; RR, 0.63 (95% CI, 0.41-0.97); I2 = 0%; ARD, −4% (95% CI, −8% to 0%)
   Term: 4 trials; RR, 0.40 (95% CI, 0.26-0.61); I2 = 20.5%; ARD, −10% (95% CI, −16% to −3%)

Statistically significant difference in stratified analyses, at term:
   By country HDI category: RR, 0.29 (95% CI, 0.15-0.55); I2 = 0.0%; ARD, −12% (95% CI, −19% to −6%) for very high HDI vs RR, 0.49 (95% CI, 0.38-0.62); I2 = NA; ARD, −5% (95% CI, −16% to 5%) for medium to high HDI
   By supplement dose: RR, 0.28 (95% CI, 0.12-0.68); I2 = NA; ARD, −8% (95% CI, −13% to −3%) for low dose vs RR, 0.42 (95% CI, 0.24-0.71); I2 = 21.0%; ARD, −11% (95% CI, −19% to −2%) for high dose


Some imprecision

No reporting bias detected

Variable doses of iron supplements Fair Moderate for reduced risk of iron deficiency anemia during third trimester and at term Studies conducted in US (3), Iran, Australia, Denmark, rural China; similar results in subgroup analysis by country

Clinical significance of differences is uncertain

Maternal: iron deficiency 9 RCTs (n = 16,556) Iron supplementation associated with statistically significant reduced risk of iron deficiency vs placebo or no iron:
   Third trimester: 4 trials; RR, 0.70 (95% CI, 0.53-0.92); I2 = 77.4%; ARD, −17% (95% CI, −24% to −10%)
   Term: 6 trials; RR, 0.47 (95% CI, 0.33-0.67); I2 = 81.9%; ARD, −34% (95% CI, −46% to −22%)

Mostly statistically significant differences in stratified analyses, at term:
   By country HDI category: RR, 0.35 (95% CI, 0.18-0.65); I2 = 79.3%; ARD, −44% (95% CI, −63% to −25%) for very high HDI, although medium to high HDI analysis showed no difference
   By supplement dose: RR, 0.57 (95% CI, 0.46-0.69); I2 = 0.0%; ARD, −32% (95% CI, −52% to −11%) for low dose vs RR, 0.26 (95% CI, 0.09-0.77); I2 = 86.0%; ARD, −36% (95% CI, −54% to −18%) for high dose


Some imprecision

No reporting bias detected

Study heterogeneity (I2) was high

Variable doses of iron supplements

Fair Moderate for reduced risk of iron deficiency during third trimester and at term Studies conducted in US (2), Norway (2), Iran, Australia, rural China (2), Denmark

Largest studies in rural China; analysis stratified by country showed similar results for very high HDI countries, but results of the analysis of medium to high HDI countries were no longer statistically significant

Clinical significance of differences is uncertain

Maternal: anemia 9 RCTs (n = 20,330) Iron supplementation associated with statistically significant decreased risk of anemia vs placebo or no iron:
   Third trimester: 7 trials; RR, 0.71 (95% CI, 0.51-0.97); I2 = 64.2%; 3 studies were statistically significant; ARD, −7.97% (95% CI, −15.28% to −0.66%)
   Term: 4 trials; RR, 0.43 (95% CI, 0.26-0.72); I2 = 43.7%; ARD, −11.73% (95% CI, −14.87 to −8.60%)

Mostly statistically significant differences in stratified analyses, at term:
   By country HDI category: RR, 0.22 (95% CI, 0.06-0.84); I2 = 49.3%; ARD, −12.42% (95% CI, −18.76% to −6.08%) for very high HDI vs RR, 0.53 (95% CI, 0.43-0.66); I2 = NA; ARD, −11.67% (95% CI, −15.48% to −7.87%) for medium to high HDI
   By supplement dose: RR, 0.45 (95% CI, 0.25-0.82); I2 = NA; ARD, −8.54% (95% CI, −14.76% to −2.33%) for low dose vs RR, 0.22 (95% CI, 0.05-1.02); I2 = 61.1% for high dose

Anemia rates ranged from 0% to 45% in the supplementation group and 4.5% to 61% in the placebo group



Some reporting bias detected

Type of anemia not defined in most studies Fair Low Studies conducted in US (2), Norway, Australia, rural China (3), Denmark

Largest studies conducted in rural China

Maternal: hemoglobin 15 RCTs (n = 20,069) Findings were inconsistent during the third trimester and postpartum and mostly significant at term, with higher hemoglobin values with supplementation vs placebo

Hemoglobin levels ranged from 11.0 to 13.9 g/dL in the supplementation group and 10.5 to 13.4 g/dL in the placebo group



No reporting bias detected

Hemoglobin values decrease during pregnancy due to physiologic blood volume expansion and, in isolation, have unclear clinical significance Fair Low for increased hemoglobin Studies conducted in US (3), Iran (5), Hong Kong, Australia, Ireland, Norway, Denmark, rural China (2)
Maternal: serum ferritin 13 RCTs (n = 19,075) Reported ferritin levels were inconsistent during the third trimester and postpartum and mostly significant at term with higher serum ferritin values with supplementation vs placebo in most studies

Serum ferritin levels ranged from 7.4 to 34 μg/L in the supplementation group and 6.0 to 26 μg/L in the placebo group



Reporting bias not detected

Ferritin levels are associated with inflammation and, in isolation, have unclear clinical significance Fair Low for increased serum ferritin Studies conducted in US (3), Hong Kong, Iran (3), Australia, Ireland, Norway, Denmark, rural China (2)

Clinical significance of these findings remains unclear

Infant: mortality 6 RCTs (n = 17,863) Five trials reported no statistically significant differences between maternal iron supplementation and infant mortality, while 1 study reported a statistically significant difference in rates of neonatal deaths (1.1% vs 2.0%; RR, 0.53 [95% CI, 0.29-0.97]) Some inconsistency


No reporting bias detected

Not a prespecified outcome in any study; event rates were generally low Fair Insufficient Studies conducted in Ireland, rural China (2), Australia, US, Iran
Infant: preterm birth 5 RCTs (n = 18,714) No statistically significant difference for iron supplementation vs placebo (5 trials; RR, 0.92 [95% CI, 0.81-1.04]; I2 = 0%)

No statistically significant difference in stratified analyses by country HDI category or supplement dose



No reporting bias detected

Reported as a secondary outcome Fair Moderate for no effect of iron supplementation on preterm birth

Studies conducted in Hong Kong, Iran (3), rural China (2)

Stratified analysis by country HDI category or supplement dose did not affect results

Infant: small for gestational age 4 RCTs (n = 6803) No statistically significant difference for iron supplementation vs placebo (4 trials; RR, 0.94 [95% CI, 0.67-1.31]; I2 = 75.5%)

No statistically significant difference in stratified analyses by country HDI category or supplement dose, with 1 exception: the 1 very high HDI trial (RR, 0.48 [95% CI, 0.26-0.87])



No reporting bias detected

Reported as a secondary outcome Fair Insufficient Studies conducted in Hong Kong, rural China, Iran
Infant: low birth weight 6 RCTs (n = 17,261) No statistically significant difference for iron supplementation vs placebo (6 trials; RR, 0.95 [95% CI, 0.79-1.14]; I2 = 0.0%)

No statistically significant difference in stratified analyses by country HDI category or supplement dose

Some inconsistency

Some imprecision

No reporting bias detected

Reported as a secondary outcome Fair Moderate for no effect of iron supplementation on LBW Studies conducted in Ireland, Iran, rural China (2), Australia, US

Stratified analysis by country HDI category or supplement dose did not affect results

Infant: hematologic outcomes 2 RCTs (n = 12,943) Infant hemoglobin and anemia reported at 6 mo and 1 y in 1 trial, and infant hemoglobin level, ferritin level, iron deficiency, and iron deficiency anemia reported in another trial at 6 mo

No statistically significant differences reported between groups for any hematologic indices or time points



No reporting bias detected

Changes in infant intermediate outcomes up to 1 y could be multifactorial; only the smaller trial (n = 430) reported iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia outcomes, and event rates were low Fair Insufficient Studies conducted in rural China and Australia
KQ2: Harms of supplementation
  12 RCTs (n = 22,716) Twelve trials (11 included in KQ1) assessed harms of routine iron supplementation in pregnant women

Most reported harms included transient treatment effects such as nausea, constipation, and diarrhea, and all but 1 found no difference in harms; 1 large trial conducted in rural China found a higher rate of gastrointestinal discomfort for those receiving supplementation (3.6% vs 2.3%; RR, 1.59 [95% CI, 1.28-1.97])

Nine trials found no statistically significant differences in nonadherence to supplementation vs placebo between groups; however, 1 trial had lower nonadherence in the supplementation group than in the placebo group

Mostly consistent

Some imprecision

Some reporting bias detected

Outcomes mostly reported as ad hoc events Fair Moderate for no major harms and some transient adverse effects of prenatal iron supplementation Studies conducted in Hong Kong, US (3), Norway, rural China (3), Australia, Iran (2), Norway
KQ3: Association between change in maternal iron status and improvement in newborn and peripartum outcomes
  1 Observational study (n = 20,6900) Response to iron therapy was associated with a reduction in the odds of preeclampsia and preterm delivery compared with persons with untreated anemia or those who did not respond to treatment Unable to assess consistency


Reporting bias detected

Inconsistent methods for defining anemia; included participants already using iron supplementation; lack of reporting on methods for outcome assessment; unclear documentation of iron deficiency or use of supplementation; unclear classification and reporting of symptoms Fair Insufficient Conducted in US; some participants already using iron supplementation; lack of information on dosing, timing, or duration of treatment

Abbreviations: ARD, absolute risk difference; HDI, Human Development Index; KQ, key question; LBW, low birth weight; NA, not available; OR, odds ratio; PIH, pregnancy-induced hypertension; RCT, randomized clinical trial; RR, relative risk; SF-36, 36-Item Short Form Health Survey.

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No. of studies
(No. of participants)
Summary of findings by outcome Consistency/precision,
reporting bias
Body of evidence
Overall quality Strength of evidence Applicability
KQ1: Benefits of screening
No studies NA


NA NA Insufficient


KQ2: Harms of screening
No studies NA


NA NA Insufficient


KQ3: Benefits of treatment
No studies NA


NA NA Insufficient


KQ4: Harms of treatment
No studies NA


NA NA Insufficient


KQ5: Association between change in maternal iron status and improvement in newborn and peripartum outcomesa
1 Observational study (n = 20,690) Response to iron therapy was associated with a reduction in the odds of preeclampsia and preterm delivery compared with persons with untreated anemia or those who did not respond to treatment Unable to assess consistency


Some reporting bias detected

Inconsistent methods for defining anemia; included participants already using iron supplementation; lack of reporting on methods for outcome assessment; unclear documentation of iron deficiency or use of supplementation; unclear classification and reporting of symptoms Fair Insufficient Conducted in US; some participants already using iron supplementation; lack of information on dosing, timing, or duration of treatment

Abbreviations: KQ, key question; NA, not applicable.
a Same as KQ3 in the supplementation framework.

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