Integrating Evidence-Based Clinical and Community Strategies to Improve Health - Table 3

Recommendations Relevant to Reducing Obesity from the Guide to Community Preventive Services through March 2006

Intervention Finding
I. Recommendations to promote physical activity
Informational approaches to increasing physical activity
Community-wide campaigns Recommended (Strong Evidence)
"Point-of-decision" prompts Recommended (Sufficient Evidence)
Classroom-based health education focused on information provision Insufficient Evidence to determine effectiveness
Mass media campaigns Insufficient Evidence to determine effectiveness
Behavioral and social approaches to increasing physical activity
Individually-adopted health behavior change Recommended (Strong Evidence)
School-based physical education Recommended (Strong Evidence)
Non-family social support Recommended (Strong Evidence)
Health education with TV/Video game turnoff component Insufficient Evidence to determine effectiveness
College-age physical education/health education Insufficient Evidence to determine effectiveness
Family-based social support Insufficient Evidence to determine effectiveness
Environmental and policy approaches to increasing physical activity
Creation and/or enhanced access to places for PA combined with informational outreach activities Recommended (Strong Evidence)
Transportation and infrastructure changes promote non-motorized transit Insufficient Evidence to determine effectiveness
Urban planning approaches - zoning and land use-community scale interventions Recommended (Sufficient Evidence)
Urban planning approaches - zoning and land use-street scale interventions Recommended (Sufficient Evidence)
II. Recommendations to promote healthy nutrition (
Multicomponent School-based nutrition programs In progress
Community approaches to increase fruit & vegetable intake In progress
Food and beverage advertising to children In progress
Food & beverage availability, price, portion size, and labeling in restaurants In progress

Current as of: November 2013