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Showing Educational Information for Health Professionals

Name Description Age Group
A Safe Environment for Every Kid (SEEK) Questionnaire The SEEK project, funded by the US DHHS, Administration on Children and Families, the CDC, and the Doris Duke Foundation, offers a practical approach to the identification and management of targeted risk factors for child maltreatment for families with children aged 0-5, integrated into pediatric primary care. By addressing these problems, SEEK aims to strengthen families, support parents, and thereby enhance children's health, development and safety, while helping to prevent child maltreatment. Source: SEEK Project | University of Maryland Medical Center University of Maryland Medical Center Follow: @UMMC on Twitter | MedCenter on Facebook Pediatric
A Guide to Taking a Sexual History (CDC) This guide offers a framework for discussing sexual health issues to help complete the overall picture of a patient's health. Adolescent, Senior, Adult
A Comprehensive Immunization Strategy to Eliminate Transmission of HBV Infection in the US Information on adolescent and adult HBV vaccination Adolescent, Senior, Adult
9-Question Patient Health Questionnaire - Depression Screener The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) offers clinicians concise, self-administered screening and diagnostic tools for mental health disorders, which have been field-tested in office practice. The screener is quick and user-friendly, improving the recognition rate of depression and anxiety and facilitating diagnosis and treatment. Pediatric, Senior, Adult, Adolescent
5 R's to Treat Tobacco Use The U.S. Surgeon General has said, “Smoking cessation [stopping smoking] represents the single most important step that smokers can take to enhance the length and quality of their lives.” Patients not ready to make a quit attempt may respond to a motivational intervention. The clinician can motivate patients to consider a quit attempt with the "5 R's": Relevance, Risks, Rewards, Roadblocks, and Repetition. Adolescent, Senior, Adult
5 A's Behavioral Counseling Framework The 5 A’s model (ask, advise, assess, assist, and arrange) is a tool to assist clinicians in asking patients about their health behaviors and, if patients are found to be at risk, advising them to modify their behavior, assessing their interest in doing so, assisting in their efforts to change, and arranging appropriate follow-up. Pediatric, Senior, Adult, Adolescent
"My Water's Fluoride" A CDC tool that may assist in determining local water system fluoridation status. Pediatric
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